CURLY FLATS’s toughest residents who often freely walk around the ranch to hang out in the sun, eat small insects in the fields, and clean the pigs after plowing. Naughty Simon and Vladimir Putin are the boss Roosters who protect their girls and sometimes fight with Mr Pajama.
There are two types of chickens Shintoku Jidori that was bred especially for the Hokkaido Climate from a mixture of Shamo, Rhode Island Red and Nagoya Kochin. These are a dual purpose chicken that provide us with eggs and meat. Their taste is unrivaled by other breeds and realized through a comparatively long time on the farm along combined with feed containing Jiyoso. This chicken is a must for those who want to enjoy traditional village chicken flavors. This is a gourmet treat. If you want a supermarket chicken try KFC.
We mixed Brahma chicken that is native to India and local egg chickens to get our hardy all year round egg layers. These guys are genki regardless of temperatures as low as -30 ℃.