Curly Flats Farm 1
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Welcome to

A place of refuge away from the bad moods of the world...

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artisanal in nature
Grazing on the pasture...

The layout is designed to allow the livestock
to spend as much free time as possible

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Deer and bear proof fences
Free Range, Mixed Livestock Farm

The pig fields are an island surrounded by pasture and crops on the perimeter.

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small herds of milk goats
Cheese & Dairy Products

Because we use all-natural farming practices, produce is seasonal, reared on a small scale and has it`s own distinctive flavor.

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named after Mr. Curly, a character in a favorite cartoon.
A slow life at CURLY FLATS

This ranch was supposed to be the owners semi-retirement slow life, but he is finding himself physically working harder now than he did as a 20 year old, and enjoying it.

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CURLY FLATS FARM is at the foot of Mt. Kabari in Hidaka.
It is a new ranch nestled in a lush valley along the Atsubetsu River.


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Curly Flats Farm


